Majestic is a fantasy series about a young adult, shape shifting girl named Lyra and her new friend, a young boy whos been outcast from his tribe named Mako. Mako must prove himself a man before returning home. Lyra and Mako go on an adventure as she tries to help him return home.
Lyra is the spirit of the forest, able to transfer into various creatures that inhabit it. Lyra is fierce, fast and strong as these creatures. But she rarely spends time in her human form. She hates her human form. This is a story about learning to love yourself.
In a medieval fantasy world filled with powerful companion creatures known as “keepers,” one boy and his friends are on a quest to find his missing father. Tensions rise as the angsty teens run out of clues and face unexpected peril at every turn. A grieving tyrant has outlawed keepers from the land and sent his murderous soldiers to exterminate every one of the beasts they can find. Mac, Ava, and Ping will have their friendship tested as they struggle, tooth and claw, to save each other and as many keepers as they can.
Slightly Exaggerated is a story set in a whimsical fantasy world where a dying treasure hunter must steal back a sacred artifact from a crazed cult leader in a world where religion is law. It's set in an over the top whimsical fantasy world filled with flying sea creatures, talking animals and lots of other crazy, fun stuff! This setting makes for some really fun treasure hunting adventures.
This story deals with a lot of deeper, mature subjects and themes like dying, leaving a legacy, religion and questioning what you've been told.
The Wild Cosmos is set in the future, humans have colonized thousands of planets and made home to many planets in the galaxy. This story takes place in our version of a colorful, beautiful wild west version of space, filled with exotic alien planets and creatures and with a bit of... magic!
It's about an infamous space smuggler that must capture a magical girl and trade her to space pirates to get his crewmate back. The Wild Cosmos deals with subjects like being a leader, overcoming guilt, and the fact that every choice you make will yield different consequences.